The common cold is a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Most children average 4 - 8 cold per year. There are over 200 viruses that are capable of causing the common cold. A cold is a disease that can be seen as priming the young and immature immune system and many children suffer colds in the first few month after starting kindergarten and confronting viruses that are new for their system. Colds can be a reflection of a temporary dip in immunity that is most often caused by insufficient rest. Too many rich foods, stress or exposure to cold and damp conditions can also precipitate a cold by lowering resistance.
The so-called "old wives' tale" that people can catch a cold by getting cold and wet in the rain is interesting. Scientific medicine ridiculed this suggestion when the responsible viruses that cause colds were identified. That really reflected the great arrogance of medicine in its belief that science in the hands of doctors would eradicate disease. We're still waiting! I still regularly hear people ridicule the notion of a link between getting cold and catching colds. The truth is that both are correct.
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Medical scientists would have us believe that viruses are well known and understood. That isn't so. Although what has been learned amounts to a substantial body of knowledge, we really still know very little about viruses. We do know that some of them cause the common colds we all have experienced and it is assumed that no other causes exist. Even if that assumption is valid, we know that the causative viruses don't always cause a cold in all people exposed to them. So why do some get sick, while others do not?
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The answer comes from epidemiology, the science that studies the patterns of health and disease in whole populations, rather than just in individuals. We discover that any and all illness occurs with particular sets of conditions that can be described as part of the host, agent and environment. So before anyone catches, or more correctly comes down with, a cold, there has to be a suitable alignment of factors. The host is the person, the agent is the virus and the environment is where and how they meet.
So lets look at a child and the common cold. If the child (host) has strong resistance with a good immune system and the agent (virus) is weak and the environment doesn't undermine the host or add power to the agent, then chances are good that the child will remain well, or perhaps have only a very brief and mild cold. How could the environment possibly change this? Well, let's say the physical environment is harsh (perhaps cold and damp), this can lower resistance, rendering a weakened host who is much more likely to catch the cold or to have a worse cold. How could it change the agent? Possibly by providing a social environment of overcrowding, which would be a better living incubator, allowing the virus to rapidly become more virulent (stronger).
It turns out that neither the old wives nor the young doctors were onto the full story. So should you have listened to your mother when she said don't go out and get cold and damp or you'd catch a cold? Yes indeed, for although there was never any guarantee that it would result in a cold, it could reduce resistance and if suitable viruses were around, could greatly increase the risk of becoming sick. The moral of this story is, listen to your mother!
The symptoms associated with colds are, of course, well known. They include:
sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose (clear, watery and copious at first and then becoming thick and white as the infection begins to resolve), irritating cough, slight temperature, loss of appetite and tiredness. The child is most contagious when the nasal discharge is clear and watery. The complications that can occur following a viral cold include the development of a bacterial infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis and ear infections. These complications will need more treatment than is covered in this article. You should seek professional attention if your child has a persistent or severe cough, especially if this is accompanied by breathing difficulty, increased breathing rate, blueness of the skin, blood in the mucus or loss of weight. Coughs and colds that last longer than two weeks also require professional attention.
What can you do about colds?
There are a number of things that you can do to prevent the development of colds, ease the discomfort of colds, assist the child's body to cope with the infection and to strengthen the child's immune system so that fighting other infections is enhanced. These include:
Coughs and colds are a common feature of growing up and very few children ever fully escape them. A mild cold should be observed and managed carefully to ensure any complications are avoided or promptly dealt with. However, mild coughs and colds that do not persist more than a couple of weeks may well do more good than harm. They facilitate some elimination and serve to condition the immune system.
There is no need to become unduly concerned by an occasional mild cold. However, it is good to know that there are plenty of health building remedies available, such as those above, to minimize discomfort and speed recovery.
Brewin, L. 2002, Natural Health for Children. ABC Books.
Hoffmann, D. 2000, The New Holistic Herbal. Element Pub.
Romm, A. 2000, Naturally Healthy Babies and Children. Storey Books. Smith, L., Walker, L. and Brown, E. 2002, Nature's Pharmacy for Children. Three Rivers Press.
Coughs And Colds In Children - What You Can Do